Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Perfect Celebration

Glacier Bay

Life at standstill
Chill, crisp air
Eagles, seals, seagulls
Ice cracking
Thunderous sound
Phenomenal formation 
Magic of Pacific Ocean
Glacier Bay

I am glad, my husband and I decided on Alaska Cruise for our 25th anniversary. First we were going to take a train from Vancouver to Seattle and spend a couple of days in Seattle. Then we thought, what the heck, being married for 25 years deserved a more adventurous romance. The glaciers were the highlight of the tripa perfect celebration.

Now, I am refreshed and ready to get back to writing. This fall, I plan to write a series of poems and capture many magical moments with my camera. All right, so I agree I am not a photographer, but it's the moments that makes life worth it.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Magic of Indian Ocean

While on the beach, capturing my childhood memories, a young man comes by, asking me to excuse his cow so they could pass. This memory remains deep in my heart. And every time I think of this day, I hear the roaring of the ocean waves, the laughter of the children and the moo of the cow.
Oyster Bay, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1987

Come hear me whisper my writing journey through my past—the life in Africa that defined me, and through my present—the life in Canada where I found growth. Without both, I could have not written my novel, The Beggar’s Dance.

It's been over three years in the writing of The Beggar's Dance, and now it's ready to publish. Whether it chooses a traditional or self publishing route, neither one is going to fail me. Why? Because this is what I am supposed to do, share a story.